28th March 2024 (Thursday)


Prophet Khidr came to me, then he invited me to a high place on the night of Nuzulul Quran.

Then he said, 

Calm your heart, this journey will be very painful for your body, and do not open your eyes until I ask you to, and after all this is over. So write down what you must write, and do not tell or write anything that you are not allowed to narrate or write; all of this is by the command and will of Allah Almighty.

Then after he (Prophet Khidr) allowed me to open my eyes. It was truly amazing what I saw in front of me. Then he said:

"O Ahmad, those who are at the top are the nation of the Noble Prophet Muhammad, who are martyrs, and those below them are those who died in a state of martyrdom, namely those who were martyred while studying religious knowledge, some of them were martyred by drowning in a disaster, those who were martyred defending their honor, women who were martyred by their spouses, those who were martyred by being falsely accused and sentenced to death by ignorant people in positions of authority, and those who were martyred by giving birth to their children, those who were martyred by enduring patiently the trials of martyrdom.

O Ahmad, below them are those who died on Friday and died in the holy month of Ramadan while being sick and while fasting, they are divided into several groups, and they can meet each other. Truly, even the smallest good deed in the holy month of Ramadan is rewarded with happiness in 'Iliyyin' before the Day of Judgment arrives, which is the day when all of mankind will be gathered and reckoned in 'One Day'. He is Allah, our Lord, whose reckoning is swift, and He is Allah whose gaze never escapes from all that He has created and ordained.

O Ahmad, Allah has asked me to reunite you with some people who, during their lives, knew you. Indeed, Allah desires that in the end times, the entire nation of the Noble Prophet Muhammad can hear the stories of your journey on the night of Nuzulul Quran, that is, your journey to this place (Iliyyin) and to the worst place (Sijjin) which is different from before, do not be afraid, indeed in the holy month of Ramadan the fire and torment are extinguished by Allah and the gates of Hell Sijjin (grave torment) are also extinguished, so that only coolness and tranquility remain.

O Ahmad, indeed Allah desires to reunite you with your fathers-in-law, grandmothers, and grandfathers, whether they are from your family or from your wives' families, and your friends who have passed away, and tell them everything they say so that something you never knew before can become evidence of the truth that you have met their fathers, mothers, and grandfathers.

O Ahmad, say and write, Allah is the All-Knowing and the One who Great Giver of Grace upon whomever He wills, and I say to you, your safety from the temptations of Satan and your desires is not guaranteed as long as you live in this world, so be patient and increase your piety towards Allah, and this also does not guarantee you entry into the ranks of the martyrs and the righteous after Allah takes you to this place (Iliyyin) which is multi-tiered and full of beauty and happiness as a place for those loved by Allah awaiting the Day of Judgment.

O Ahmad, your journey to this place also does not guarantee you protection from sin, nor does it guarantee you safety from Hell, nor does it guarantee you honor in this world and the Hereafter even though the noble blood of the Messenger of Allah Muhammad flows within you, and even though Allah has reunited you with the Noble Prophet Muhammad in this place (Iliyyin).

O Ahmad, indeed prepare yourself to meet the Noble Prophet Muhammad and do not force yourself to look at his face, indeed there are some scholars in your country who forced themselves to look at and embrace the Prophet, but he refused to return to the world and some chose silence and seclusion until they died, even though Allah wanted them to be a Mujaddid and to convey what Allah had entrusted to them, and Allah granted the request of those who chose the path of seclusion and silence, but their condition is very low now at Iliyyin at the lowest level.

O Ahmad, remember the names of those who lie in the name of the Prophet Muhammad until you recognize them, and ignore them when they say they have met the Prophet and me, indeed I will be a witness to their falsehood before Allah and the Prophet Muhammad will turn away from them in this world and the Hereafter, indeed they will feel fear and shame in their hearts for their falsehood in front of you, indeed they are servants of Allah who love the world and desire worldly fame and praise.

O Ahmad, sit and calm down, the Noble Prophet Muhammad will meet you, and write down what the Prophet wants you to write and keep it until you slowly convey it in every sermon, indeed Allah wants to test you and me, and the entire nation of the Noble Prophet Muhammad.

And then I could only cry tears of joy in that beautiful place with the Messenger of Allah and all the people who had reached that honored place (Iliyyin). After the event of my meeting with the Prophet and some people in Iliyyin and Sijjin, then Prophet Khidr said:

O Ahmad, Keep tied the secret between you, Allah, and the Prophet, and I, like you, feel angry and sad when the Noble Prophet Muhammad tells about those who lie in the name of Him and in my name, and those who claim to be grandchildren of the Prophet and those who claim to be my students and those who claim to be my adopted children, indeed I heard the Prophet say that Allah curses them and they are just foolish dreamers whom I myself will throw into the torment of the grave and the torment of Hell.

O Ahmad, be patient, indeed in the past not all the people of Madinah welcomed the arrival of the Prophet in that city. So you should emulate the noble character of your grandfather Muhammad, the Messenger of Allah, in facing those who will insult you with your story. Indeed, they will prove it themselves, in 'Iliyyin' or 'Sijjin' where they will return after reaching the appointed age.

And I heard the Prophet say that some scholars whose names the Noble Prophet Muhammad knows, have known and read the news that you have conveyed so far, and some are currently reading and studying it. May Allah honor them and move their hearts.

O Ahmad, I also heard the Prophet say to you: "A lion without a roar does not need to explain who he is, nor does he need to show his fangs and claws with the intention of proving that he is a lion ruling the wilderness".

The Noble Prophet and I, like the words of your friend, believe that a person does not need to strip naked to prove that he is a man or a woman.

Truly, the words of the Messenger of Allah and your companions are words of civility and ethics, yet they cut deep into the ears and hearts of those who harbor hatred, envy, and arrogance towards you.

Just write and do not be doubtful or afraid. And tell your wives and followers tomorrow night. So that they may increase their love for Allah and the Prophet, and may they be patient with you, until the time appointed by Allah.

Ahmad F. bin Abdullah Alwie Syams

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