Two Types Of Trees That Serve As A Lesson For Mankind

Two Types Of Trees That Serve As A Lesson For Mankind

Two Types Of Trees That Serve As A Lesson For Mankind

Friday, 15thNovember 2124

Two Types Of Trees That Serve As A Lesson For Mankind

Prophet Khidr (AS) came to me while I was in a state of exhaustion and said:  

"O Ahmad, write down the news that I convey to you, except for that which I do not command you to write, so that the thieves of your news may not learn of it, and so that those who imitate you may not be able to interpret it. Truly, they are but liars who will ultimately lighten your burden in the Hereafter.  

O Ahmad, indeed, I bring to you a fruit that contains eight benefits, sufficient to fulfill your needs, relieve your exhaustion, and ease the pain in your stomach. Verily, Allah created it and placed it in a barren and dry land. Moreover, Allah created a tree that can grow in all places, with eight benefits for human health. This is indeed a sign of Allah's power for those who reflect with their hearts and minds.  

O Ahmad, from all that may become your trade, take these eight kinds as the trade for your brethren. And take two kinds as your own trade, in which lies the Sunnah of your noble grandfather, Muhammad. Truly, from the seeds, fruits, and wood that I bring to you are the best for your trade. It is obligatory upon you to teach them the laws of trade and the laws of zakat and to educate them about the types of transactions in trade that are counted as the sin of usury. This is what you must prioritize and teach, rather than focusing solely on worldly profits. For no servant of Allah who believes in the Day of Judgment will prosper if, in trade, they think only of worldly gains while neglecting the laws of usury and falsehood.  

O Ahmad, you must avoid transactions that fall into the category of makruh (disliked) and take only those that are deemed *halal* (permissible). This is a request from your noble grandfather Muhammad. Do not sell your religion for a low price by claiming that what is makruh serves as a remedy for humanity. Indeed, it does not truly serve as a remedy, except in small benefits. Even if you like it, it must not be included in your trade, even if it promises you half the world's profits. You must not turn what is makruh into halal by means of deceit under the guise of representing the true religion (din al-haq).  

O Ahmad, Allah intends to elevate them through halal and blessed trade. Tell them that it is not easy to conduct business without adhering to just laws and understanding the laws of zakat and usury. Every Muslim should approach the scholars of fiqh before engaging in trade. Truly, people of the end times fear bankruptcy in this world more than they fear bankruptcy in the Hereafter. Let not yourself be among the servants of Allah who are greedy, deceitful, and arrogant in their trade.  

O Ahmad, Allah intends to bless their fields and elevate their lands into fertile ones if they follow what I teach you regarding their lands, palm plantations, and other trees. Do they think that weather and wind are what make their palm plantations and rubber plantations shrink and yellow? Do they think that nothing good will grow in their soil? No! Say to them, O Ahmad, and teach them what I tell you so that they may understand. One day they will realize. Say to them that I, Balya bin Malkan, and you do not seek worldly gains but wish for them to leave the best legacy upon their lands—a heritage sufficient for their future generations.  

O Ahmad, let your followers be patient in conducting their trades and occupations. Let the leaders of the land of Arkhabil be cautious of groups prioritizing worldly matters without considering the security of their lands. Truly, the transgressors have long yearned to "sit" atop their lands.  

O Ahmad, Allah has given an example of two types of trees that serve as a lesson for mankind. Humans were created in a perfect state. Truly, these two trees symbolize how humans should live in this world. Even when placed in dry and barren soil, these trees continue to grow and benefit mankind. Some other trees can thrive in all places that do not experience snow, benefiting human bodies. This serves as an example of the noble character of Prophet Muhammad, who lived with patience and admirable morals while conveying the truth of the Quran. Verily, Allah is the best at providing examples in His explicit and implicit verses.  

O Ahmad, take these two types of fruits and wood, and use your intellect to make them a trade blessed by Allah. Be mindful of the poor and orphans in your trade. One day, I will advise you and guide you on how to use the profits from your trade and the trade of your brethren. Indeed, there are rights of the poor and orphans in every profit you and they earn. This will safeguard your ship from bankruptcy in this world and the Hereafter. Truly, Allah will bring down those who are ungrateful and greedy in the land of Arkhabil. If Allah's servants who claim to love your noble grandfather Muhammad pay attention to the laws of usury in every trade and fulfill their obligations of zakat and charity in Allah's path, as well as the rights of the poor and orphans, and show compassion to His creatures, then they will prosper."  

Ahmad F. bin A. Syams

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